Allocution de la Coordonatrice Résidente du Système des Nations Unies au Maroc Nathalie Fustier: Cérémonie de signature de la déclaration d'intention avec AGFUND, le Ministère de la Solidarité, de l'Insertion Sociale et de la Famille et Al Barid Bank
16 octobre 2023
Rabat, le 16 octobre 2023, siège du Ministère de la Solidarité, de l'Insertion Sociale et de la Famille.
(Allocution en langue arabe et anglaise)
Signing ceremony of the joint declaration of intent between AGFUND, the Ministry of Solidarity, Social Insertion and Family, Al Barid Bank and the UN System in Morocco
السيدة وزيرة التضامن والإدْماج الإجْتِمَاعِي والأُسرة
صاحِب اَلسُّمو المَلَكِي الأمير عبد العزيز بن طلال بن عبد العزيز آل سعود، رئيس برنامج الخليج العَرَبي للتَّنمِية -أجفند
السيد رئيس مجلس إدارة اَلبريد بنك
السيدة نائبة ممثلة اليونيسِف في المغرب
السيد المدير التَّنفيذي لأجفند
حَضراتْ السَّيِدَات والسَّادَة، الحُضُور الكِرام
إنَّهُ لَمِن دَواعي سُرورِي أَنْ أكون بينكم اَليوم، بِحُضورِ صاحبِ اَلسُّمو المَلَكِي الأمير عبد العزيز بن طلال بن عبد العزيز آل سعود، لِتَوقِيعْ إِعْلانْ النَّوايَا بين برنامج الخليج العَرَبي للتَّنمِية، ووزارة التضامن والإدْماج الإجْتِمَاعِي والأُسرة، ومُؤسَّسَةْ اَلبريد بنك، ومَنظومَة الأمم المُتَّحِدة للتَّنمِية في المغرب
والآن اِسمَحوا لي أَنْ أُواصِلَ باللغة الإنجليزية
This partnership is grounded in our shared commitment to advance key areas of mutual interest, notably women's empowerment, financial inclusion and digitalization, early childhood development, and the care economy. These areas are interconnected and hold a great potential in building fair, just, and prosperous societies.
Morocco stands out as a leader in financial inclusion across the Middle East and North Africa. However, challenges remain, with almost 13 million Moroccan adults still unbanked, disproportionately affecting women. Providing women with unhindered access to financial services is a catalyst for their economic empowerment. It grants them the ability to save, borrow, and invest, unlocking new opportunities and fostering a culture of women-led entrepreneurship. Furthermore, financial inclusion enhances women's financial resilience during challenging times.
Women predominantly bear the responsibilities of family and caregiving, limiting their opportunities in the workforce. Advocating for policies and infrastructure that support work-family balance is imperative. This includes acknowledging and valuing the invaluable, unpaid contributions of women in the care sector, and ensuring accessible and high-quality childcare. Four years ago, the Government initiated a national program to expand preschool education availability. Despite progress, only 45% of children aged 0-5 have access to daycare services.
Early childhood development will mark the beginning of our collaborative efforts resulting from our partnership. The first agreement that will be signed today between UNICEF and AGFUND will be implemented with the Ministry of Solidarity, Social Insertion and Family and the Ministry of Youth in collaboration with the Ministry of Education. The agreement aims at supporting the generalization of quality daycare services and education for children from 0 to 6 years old.
Esteemed guests,
The areas of our partnership are aligned with the Cooperation Framework for Sustainable Development 2023-2027. The Cooperation Framework, our guiding document, outlines our commitment to supporting Morocco in achieving its national priorities and the Sustainable Development Goals. Developed in close collaboration with the Moroccan government, the cooperation framework focuses on four strategic areas: inclusive economic transformation and sustainability, human capital development, social inclusion and protection, governance and local development.
I would like to thank the Minister, Ms Hayar, for her trust. I am delighted to count AGFUND among our new partners here in Morocco. AGFUND is a strong supporter of the UN reform and a long-standing partner of the UN System. I am confident that the agreements we are formalizing today mark the beginning of a productive partnership, that will benefit Morocco's development trajectory.
Thank you.
Discours de
Nathalie Fustier
Coordonnatrice Résidence du Système des Nations Unies au Maroc